
My result got out this Monday and to save you from asking the question that how was it..lets get over the curtain that it was horribly bad. I could not possibly imagine that it could be that bad. It is the consequence of my over confidence which made me think that it will be okay...I have handled it so far and I will pass with flying colors this year too!! But this went completely wrong. So I am a little lost and confused as to what to do now. To be honest I have never liked this subject Economics. I actually hated it. And doing masters with a subject that you don't like is a tough choice..if anyone here knows what I mean. There were lots of drama behind this choice but lets save it for another day. Now I have no interest to go further with Economics and trying change my course. I know its going to get rough a bit but now I want to focus on something that I think is interesting for me. So I have narrowed down my search and came to select 2 subjects - English and Sociology. Not to say that my parents are very happy with it. Of course it always gives a good impression to them if you are doing your higher studies with a strong and tough and renowned subject. Leaving Economics and going to English or Sociology is really downmarket for them.
But this time I have to work it out. I am not changing my decision for anyone but me. Although this is a bad time for me...lets hope everything will go well.


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