Cheese Fries
Sometimes problems vanish just like that. My insomnia, just vanished in a few days. I will not delve into the details, but it just so happened that I realised one day, that I am not waking up in the middle of the night, and now it is just gone. I still get anxieties, out of the blue, but I am hopeful now that it will be over soon. As for the present, we did not have any water from the morning. We did not have any bath and still waiting for it.
I am still stuck with the hunger games books. With my eye infection in the last two weeks, I could not read a single word. But that is gone now and I am back in the games again.
I made these cheese fries long ago and used a simple bƩchamel sauce as the base to make the sauce. It is simple and you can get the bƩchamel sauce in the internet from anywhere. And then spice it up as the way you want. Add whatever cheese you like, add some chilli flakes if you like it hot. And then slather it up with chunky salsa and lots of coriander leaves.
When I was little, I used to get so awkward seeing my mother crying and getting emotional watching or listening to anything sensitive or emotional. It did not matter, if it was just a drama or movie, she sniffled at anything with a little touch of heart in it. But as I am getting older I think I am catching up with her as I find myself all teary while watching any Netflix drama. It's odd how we repeat all our parents' actions which we despised as we were younger but found meaning in it, after reaching their age. And I get terrified that Ishaan will do the same and then realise them in his later life.
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